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High Vibe Health Supplements
~ from The Garden of Eden ~
Sodium Bicarbonate
This prized leavener is also a powerful alkalinizing compound, with many priceless benefits for the body and around the home!
Try it alone or as part of a bundle pack for thriving health!
Reap the
Do you realize just how much this inexpensive powerhouse can actually do?!
Sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3), is a finely milled powder derived from the crystalline form that occurs in nature.
Because it releases carbon dioxide gas when combined with an acid like vinegar or buttermilk, it is popularly used to make baked goods rise. Its release of CO2 does not require acid though, as it naturally decomposes at high heat (176 degrees F) as well.

Its uses and benefits go far beyond leavening quick breads!
Its alkalizing properties enable the body to neutralize and eliminate acids - and acid build up in the body is arguably the cause of most if not all disease! Read more about pH in our learning gallery.
Sodium bicarbonate's gritty texture and alkalinity make it a valuable exfoliant; abrasive enough to scrub gunk from pipes and smoke scum from walls, yet gentle enough to be a daily skin cleanser.
It has a powerful ability to eliminate biofilm, a characteristic scourge of difficult conditions like candida. Read our series on candida, especially if you intend to order our Candida Kit!
Sodium bicarbonate can protect the body and environment from radiation and heavy metal exposure. Read our series on mercury to learn more about the importance of detoxing these pollutants!
It has anti-cancer properties, especially when combined with lemon juice, nascent iodine, and colloidal silver.
It has literally hundreds of uses around the house, which can prevent exposure to expensive, toxic, and nasty chemicals that are detrimental to health and the environment. Why waste money on your health when there are cheaper, more natural, and sustainable solutions?

...all this (and so. much. MORE!), yet it is extremely inexpensive and practically fool-proof to use.
Improve pH balance
Breaks down biofilm
Digestion support
Alleviate side effects of chemotherapy
Protection from heavy metal and radiation exposure
Heartburn relief
Health benefits of Sodium Bicarbonate:
RECIPES from the Garden
Sodium Bicarbonate
3% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide
Optional: essential oil like peppermint, wintergreen, orange, cinnamon, or clove
1. Dip your toothbrush in sodium bicarbonate to your preference.
2. Saturate your toothbrush with 3% FGHP. Add drops of essential oil if you wish.
3. Brush your teeth!
*To make 3% FGHP, mix 11 parts distilled water to 1 part of our 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide. You can use the excess of your 3% mix as a cleaning solution and disinfectant!
This product has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease.