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High Vibe Health Supplements
~ from The Garden of Eden ~
100% Gum Spirits of Turpentine
anti-parasite, anti-candida, time-tested remedy
Check out our Learning Gallery for more information on this classic remedy that is distilled from pine trees!

Distilled from pine trees!
Ancient, Proven Remedy
100% Gum Spirits of Turpentine have been used for thousands of years. Even Hippocrates - the father of modern medicine himself - described it as a panacea in ancient texts.
ONLY 100% GUM SPIRITS OF TURPENTINE are safe for internal use.
Not all turpentines are created equal. What you might find at your local hardware store is a byproduct of the wood pulp industry and has been processed with toxic chemicals and additives, and is not safe to ingest.
Did you know?
100% Gum Spirits of Turpentine are made by collecting resin from certain species of pine, spruce, or fir trees. This resin is then purified by steam distillation to yield what is essentially oil from the tree that is a powerful, antimicrobial healer.
We have enjoyed great success using 100% Gum Spirits of Turpentine to CLEAR CANDIDA OVERGROWTH, eliminating the myriad of conditions that go along with this fungal infection:
Chronic fatigue
Mood swings or low mood
Brain fog, easily forgetful
A weak immune system
Joint pains/Fibromyalgia
Digestive issues or pain (like Crohn's disease or IBS)
Fungal infections on the skin or nails
Recurring yeast infections of the genitals (yes men can get them too)
Oral thrush
Sinus infections
Food allergies/food intolerance
We published numerous articles on our experience. Read a few of them here, and see more in our Learning Gallery:
Abdominal difficulties
Lung disease
Check out our Learning Gallery for more information!