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~ from The Garden of Eden ~
Chile Peppers
Dried peppers are popular worldwide for adding unique heat and flavor profiles to beloved dishes!
Increase longevity
Supports weight loss and fat metabolism
Alleviates pain from arthritis and fibromyalgia, as well as migraines
Relieves psoriasis
Slows skin damage and aging process
Improves insulin sensitivity
Anti cancer
Encourages cardiovascular health
Aids digestion and gut health
Enhances eye health
Health Benefits of Chiles
Chile Pepper Power!
Peppers are frequently preserved by drying them, either traditionally in the sun or by using modern appliances like ovens. Whereas fresh chile peppers are only seasonally available, dehydration is a preservation method so they can be used year-round!
Drying changes the pepper flavor, and using them in dishes yields an intensity that fresh peppers simply cannot deliver. However, they can easily be rehydrated for recipes and various applications. Nutrients from the peppers seep into the water so you can use that too!

What’s the difference between “chile” and “chili”?
Chile properly refers to a single species of pepper, whereas chili indicates a mix of peppers.
We currently have a variety of both chile and chili peppers! Read on to learn about the similarities and differences between them.

What are red pepper flakes?
Pepper flakes are prepared by drying and pulverizing whole pepper pods.
Red pepper flakes - familiarly found in shakers at pizzerias - are usually made from a mix of peppers from the capsicum annum family, most commonly the cayenne pepper, thus could also be called red chili pepper flakes. Bits of dried red pepper flesh is mixed in with lighter colored seeds.
Red pepper chile flakes, on the other hand, are often a uniform color because the seeds are discarded.
Chili flakes are primarily used to achieve heat, whereas chile flakes are generally made from a single type of pepper and are used to express and highlight that pepper’s flavor.

What is a Yunnan chile?
Spicy yunnan chiles are native to the southwestern Chinese province of Yunnan, so obviously these peppers are used extensively in Chinese cooking! The pods are long and slender.
What is a Guajillo chile?
Sweet medium - hot guajillo chiles hail from northern and central Mexico and are essential to Mexican cuisine, especially mole sauces. They are the dried version of what is called a mirasol pepper when it is fresh (it is somewhat common for the same chile pepper to have different names depending on whether it is fresh or dried). With a Scoville scale rating ranging from 2,500 to 5,000 SHU (which measures how much capsaicin is found in a pepper), they are comparable to semi-mild jalapeños. They are usually less than an inch but can grow up to 2 inches wide, and can be 2-5 inches long! The deep-red skin is glossy and tough, making long hot water rehydration essential.

What is a chile de arbol, AKA arbol chile?
Arbol chiles can be many times hotter than a jalapeño, but not as spicy as a Serrano, and have an SHU rating of 15,000-30,000. They are relatively more flavorful than cayenne peppers, with acidic, nutty, smoky, and grassy undertones. Even though their name means “tree pepper”, they actually grow on a bush. However their woody stems feel like thin branches! They are thin, curved, and bright red, and mature to only 2-3 inches long. Don’t be fooled by their small size though, as smaller peppers tend to be spicer than larger ones.
RECIPES from the Garden
1/4 cup vegetable oil
1 onion, peeled and sliced
2 Tbsp garlic powder
3 Roma tomatoes, roasted and peeled
1/4 cup peanuts, unsalted
(or unsweetened peanut butter) -
1 Tbsp Mexican oregano, dried and crushed
1 stick cinnamon, broken into small pieces
1/4 tsp anise seeds
3 black peppercorns, whole
1/4 tsp thyme
1 whole clove
1 tsp cocoa powder
1/4 cup raisins, soaked in water to soften
4 cups chicken broth, divided
1/4 cup prepared masa (raw corn tortilla dough)
toasted sesame seeds for garnish
Soak the guajillo chiles in hot water or boil for a few minutes until they are soft and pliable. Skin, stem and seed the chiles, and set aside.
Heat the vegetable oil in a large skillet over medium-low to medium heat.
Add the onion and garlic and cook just until the onions turn translucent , about 8 to 10 minutes. Set aside.
In a blender, puree the roasted tomatoes with the peanuts or peanut butter.
Add the Mexican oregano, cinnamon, anise, peppercorns, thyme, clove and cocoa powder. Blend to make a smooth paste.
Add the sautéd onions and garlic, and puree again.
Add the chiles and raisins and blend into a smooth paste. Set the blended mix aside.
Into a large saucepan, pour all of the chicken broth except for 1/4 cup.
In a separate small bowl, make a roux by whisking the masa with the reserved 1/4 cup of chicken broth. Stir the roux into the broth in the large saucepan and whisk until smooth.
Add the blended ingredients to the pan. Cover and simmer for 1 hour.
Uncover and continue cooking until the mole turns thick.
It’s ready! You can simmer chicken in the mole sauce for added flavor. Spoon the sauce over chicken, and serve with rice and warm tortillas.

This product has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease. We take pride in this fact!