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High Vibe Health Supplements
~ from The Garden of Eden ~
High Vibe Health
from The Garden of Eden
is dedicated to sharing holistic, effective, safe, gentle, economical, valuable options for thriving health!
We are the healthiest, happiest people we know, and we love to share our formulas for success!
We wish for everyone to live their best lives too, so we invest our precious life power in making it possible for as many people as we can.
In our sustainable ecovillage, we live a low stress, natural lifestyle that affords us plenty of fresh air, clean water, sunshine, quality rest, rejuvenating exercise, and nutritious, sustainable food.
While we prefer to "let food be thy medicine" and intentionally structure our lives to promote health, we recognize that sometimes "shit happens".
For those times when things happen and you need an extra boost in your healthcare routine, we offer the highest quality health supplements we have found! These are economical options for restoring your body to its prime or preventing dis-ease.
You can order or learn more about our HIGH VIBE HEALTH SUPPLEMENTS on this site.
We have thousands of hours of research, and have hundreds of testimonials towards lives improved from people who have adopted our methods or taken our High Vibe Health Supplements.
We make this education free for all, because everyone deserves to know their many options for real health care to take empowered responsibility for their life.
More about The Garden of Eden:
Quinn Eaker founded the GOE sustainable community in Arlington, Texas in 2009 to provide a wholesome, holistic lifestyle that supports our living planet for any and everyone willing to embrace such a life.
We pay forward all proceeds from our operations - including the exchange of HIGH VIBE HEALTH SUPPLEMENTS - towards building a better world for all.
We feed tens of thousands of free meals a year, rescue hundreds of thousands of pounds of trash from the landfill cycle, and achieve a negative carbon footprint.
We have been so successful over the past decade that we are ready to expand and are developing an eco-city! For more about The Garden of Eden and our new project, Eden 2.0, visit our website at www.intothegardenofeden.com